Happy New Year!

We are pleased to announce some important details for the upcoming season. The 2023 operating dates and fares are now updated on this website.

We are excited about planning a new summer adventure with you soon. Reservations will open on January 9, at 8:00am in the Mountain time zone.

Closed for the season

The high country of Glacier National Park has once again blessed us with a rich summer of trails, vistas, encounters, and adventures. We are grateful for everyone that climbed that little hill in order to visit us.

The office will be on lite duty through the fall. We will be checking Email and messages if you need anything. Details about next years operating dates and fares will be available before the end of the year.

If you are interested in reservations for the 2023 season, reservations will open on January 9, 2023.

Be safe out there and start training now, the next hiking season is only 9 months away.


Thank you for taking extra precautions to combat hot dry weather:
Carry Extra Water
Wear Sunscreen
Hike Early in the day
Take breaks in the shade
Carry extra snacks
Help your fellow hikers as needed.

Thanks for making sure your hiking adventure is awesome in spite of changing weather patterns in the high country.

The North Highline Trail has repopened from Granite Park to the Ahearn Drift

The North Highline Trail has reopened from Granite Park Chalet to the Ahearn Drift.

Thank you for hiking responsibly in the high country of Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park.

The trail from Granite Park to the North Highline is temporarily closed.

At the present time (7/21), the trail from Granite Park to the North Highline (Ahearn Pass way) is temporarily closed. Thank you.

The Highline Trail OPENS from Logan Pass to Granite Park Chalet.

For all of our guests, the Highline trail officially opened Thursday, July 21, 2022, from Logan Pass to Granite Park Chalet.

Please hike safely and be well prepared for numerous patches of melting snow, swift stream crossings, and changing weather conditions.

Use poles, wear proper footwear (we highly recommend yaktrax)and enjoy the breathtaking scenery of Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park!

See you in the high country,

The Grinnell Glacier Overlook Trail from Granite Park Chalet is open!

On Sunday, July 17, the Grinnell Glacier Trail opened to the public.

The Highline trail from Logan Pass to the Grinnell Glacier Overlook trail junction is still closed.

We will update you as more changes occur.

Happy Hiking!

A Granite Park Chalet Update for guests & day hikers!

We are open to serve all who enter the high country of Granite Park Chalet!

The snow is quickly receding and with another week of warm weather, the Loop trail will be completely free of snow.

Along with the Loop Trail, the Swift current Lookout, the Swift current Trail to Many Glacier, and the North Highline trail are all accessible for your hiking enjoyment!
Happy Hiking!

Getting ready for summer at the chalets

Glacier is working her way out from under the winter blanket of snow and we will be hiking the high country soon. We can’t wait for you to join us.

Vehicle reservations: Entry to Going to the Sun Road will require a vehicle reservation. Your chalet reservation acts as your vehicle reservation on the arrival date. At the park entrance you will need a copy of your chalet reservation with you in your vehicle, either a paper copy or downloaded to your device.

This year has turned into a high snow year up at the chalets. It is unlikely that Going to the Sun Road will be open when Granite Park Chalet does. We are making plans to shuttle Granite Park Chalet guests past the closure to the Loop trailhead until the road opens to regular traffic.

Sperry Chalets opening is on schedule for July 9. Expect snow at chalet elevations and higher well into July, so be ready with your waterproof boots.

Happy hiking

Soups on

Or retail menu for the 2022 season is now available. http://www.graniteparkchalet.com/foodorder.php

Our menu has easy to prepare meals and snacks that you can have waiting in the kitchen for you when you arrive. One less thing to cram into that backpack. Feel free to place your order any time up to 2 weeks prior to your arrival.

Happy Hiking

Going to the Sun Road reminder

Glacier National Park is planning to issue entry tickets for vehicles using Going to the Sun Road again this year.

Your chalet reservation will act as a Sun Road entry ticket on the arrival date. Be prepared to show either a paper copy or an electronic copy on your device at the entry station. If you want vehicle access to Sun Road on other dates you will need an entry ticket available through recreation.gov

Thank you for your chalet enthusiasm

We had a great week last week helping so many people with your summer plans and chalet reservations. It was a good start to our year.

This was a record setting year for the volume of reservation requests received. We appreciate the eagerness and attention, the disappointing part is we could only grant reservations to one out of every four requests sent in. With demand for these tiny hotels growing every year we are saddened that we must turn down more and more wonderful people every year.

If you would like to keep trying for a reservation this year, we do expect a handful of reservations will change plans or cancel. There is no way to know when this might happen so patience and persistence will help you. Any opening from cancellation is available first come first served to the next requester, there is no waiting list.

Happy hiking

Chalet reservations

We are excited about planning another summer of fun with everyone again this week. As we open up our reservations for the new year we know that there will be a lot happy people that can look forward to chalet adventures. We also sadly know that our tiny hotels are so popular that we are unable to host everyone that wishes to join us.

Here are some tips and reminders to help you:

Happy Hiking!

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